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Press Release
Ashlee Mayfield
Board President and Volunteer Executive Director
Montecito Trails Foundation, Inc.
(805) 698-7424
January 22, 2021
SANTA BARBARA, CA, Recently, trail users around town noticed that "No E-Bikes" postings have been added to some of the trailheads located in Montecito, Summerland and Carpinteria. Due to confusion about the rules surrounding the use of e-bikes on local trails, Montecito Trails Foundation, Inc. (MTF) added signs to help clarify which trails e-bikes are permitted. MTF worked with local agencies and added the signs to those trails where use of ebikes is currently prohibited. “While it is the responsibility of users to know the rules for themselves, in recent months with the great influx of visitors and new users many have found it helpful to put up appropriate signage,” says Ashlee Mayfield, MTF Board President and Volunteer Executive Director.
In the Los Padres National Forest e-bike usage is limited to OHV trails - which means only on those trails where motorcycles are allowed. That means locally e-bikes ARE permitted on trails like West Camino Cielo, Buckhorn Road, Camuesa Road, Divide Peak and Upper Oso. Locally, Elings Park allows e-bikes, and further afield the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy preserves have trails open to e-bikes. The new No E-Bikes signs have been installed only on those trails where the rules do NOT permit their use. E-bikes are gaining popularity and do need places to go. Being a multiuse organization we look forward to conversations with stakeholders in finding places to develop or designate specifically with e-bike use in mind. One very important and immediate action users can take to voice their opinions on county recreation is here on the Recreation Master Plan Survey: The more people that take this survey the better! Want more trails in Goleta? Need a place to ride your ebike? Looking for more skateparks? This is the place to get into planning at the ground level.
“Should the rules change, or evolve, MTF is able to adapt our signage. But in the meantime, please follow the rules and do not use e-bikes on prohibited trails,” says Mayfield.
Montecito Trails Foundation, Inc., is a California 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and maintenance of front country and community trails located in Montecito, Summerland and Carpinteria.

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